Akcijas un jaunie piedāvājumi
SIA Dialogs S piedāvā dažādas atlaides un piedāvājumus. Jūsu uzmanībai daudzdzivokļu domofoni(namruni) ...

Domofonu sistēmas galerija
Galerijā ir attēli dažādas iekārtas. Šeit ir audio un video domofoni, koda atslēgas un piekļuves kontroles sistēmas...

Uzstādīšana - domofonu montāža
Domofonu, koda atslēgas un piekļuves sistēmas montāža – veic noteiktajos termiņos, ievērojot pasūtītāja vēlmes...

Tehniskā apkalpošana
Domofoni, kodu atslēgas, sarunu iekārtas ir sabiedriski izmantojamas iekārtas, kurām ir obligāti nepieciešama tehniskā apkalpošana...

Domofoni un koda atslēgas - katalogs
Katalogs piedāvā domofonu sistēmas plašu izvēli. Šeit Jūs varat atrast audio un video domofonus, koda atslēgas un ...
KODS: D-058093

IP audio domofons - ieejas panelis ar 1 izsaukumu pogu un piktogrammu.
aptuvenā cena: 470,00 Eur; maksimāls piegādes termiņš - 21 diena.TEHNISKĀ SPECIFIKĀCIJA:
Power supply: | 802.3af (PoE) 48 V / 380 mA DC or Adaptor 230 V10%, 50/60 Hz / 12V DC, DC power supply 12 V / 2A DC |
VoIP: | Signalization - SIP Number of voice channels - 2 Audio Codecs - G.711 PCM, 64 kbps |
Interfaces: | Ethernet - Connector RJ-45, Ethernet speed 10/100 BASE-T Reley outputs - Maximal voltage 30 V DC, Maximal current 1 A DC Active output - 8V – 12V DC/500mA |
Other: | Dimensions - 193 x 115 x 39 mm (h×w×d) Weight - max. 500 g Operating temperatures - from –40 to +55 ºC Cover level - IP54 |
2N® Helios IP UNI - Alu box - 80 Eur 2N® Helios IP License - Enhanced Audio - 70 Eur 2N® Helios IP license for 2 - 5 units - 77 Eur (license for 1 - free) 2N® Helios IP Attendance System +25 Users (valid for Helios IP Force, Vario and Verso) - 340 Eur
At first sight, the 2N® Helios IP Uni is a modest, yet very interesting door intercom in terms of possibilities, for simple installation. It offers the advantages of an IP environment and SIP telephone, while its simple installation allows the use of your existing LAN network. Control is intuitive, and high quality construction in a practical design ensures the device is sufficiently durable and resistant to external influences. The 2N® Helios IP Uni intercom is an ideal solution for door communication in a regular outdoor and indoor environment, for example at the entrance to an office building or family home. The well designed construction allows simple installation on the surface or recessed in a wall or plasterboard. The use of IP technology and an SIP protocol gives the intercom a broad range of options for connection to telephone systems. Operation and configuration are simplified by a clear web interface or software application that you can also use to manage more extensive installations with a larger number of intercoms. Use the 2N® Helios IP Uni as a solution for controlled access to a building, office or complex. You will be pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of installation and operation, the financial advantages and, not least, the new possibilities for reinforcing security of persons and property within the building.PIESLĒGŠANAS PARAUGS:

Example of connection in shopping centre
It’s easy to lose your way in a shopping centre. 2N® Helios IP Uni helps to provide an immediate connection with security, a checkout operator or control centre here. You just have to choose. All of this happens over the IP network, and so it is possible to call on any device which you select during installation.

Tālruni: 67 517 326, 67 379 805, 25 901 495, 22 153 132