Akcijas un jaunie piedāvājumi
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Domofoni un koda atslēgas - katalogs
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KODS: D-056175

KIVOS (Ķīna)
Bezvadu 2,4 HGz video 3,5-collas interkoms - 2 video tālruņi.
aptuvenā cena: 460,00 Eur; maksimāls piegādes termiņš - 28 dienas.TEHNISKĀ SPECIFIKĀCIJA:
Preču zīme: | KIVOS (Ķīna) |
Apraksts: | bezvadu video domofons ar 2 abonentu ierīcēm |
Funkcijas: | augsta kvalitāte audio un video sakari, durvju atvēršana no attāluma, sakari starp monitoriem |
Kameras sensors: | 1/4 Sony CMOS |
Kameras skata leņķis: | 120° |
Apgaismojums: | LED |
Fotosensitivitāte: | 0,1 Lux |
Kamera: | automātiskais diena / nakts pārslēgšana, automātiskā apgaismojumu kompensācija, automātiskā baltās krāsas balansa |
Pārraides frekvence: | 2,4 GHz |
Maksimālais attālums: | 300m (reāls attālums - 30m) |
Barošana: | 3,7V 1100mA Li-ion akumulātori |
Ieejas/izejas spriegums: | Ieejā - 100-240V AC 50/60HZ, izejā - 5V/1000mA |
Akumulātori: | STAND-BY - 300-500 stundas, akumulatoru uzlāde - 3-4 stundas |
Kameras izmēri, mm: | 74x134x31 (platums-augstums-dziļums) |
Kameras uzstādīšanas veids: | virsapmetuma montāža ar nojume |
Izgatavots no: | ABS un alumīnijs |
Kameras aizsardzības klase: | IP-55 |
Kameras krāsa: | melna/pelēka |
Kameras darba temperatūru diapazons: | -20°C+50°C |
Monitora ekrāns: | 3,5" Sony krāsu TFT-LCD |
Ekrāna izšķirtspēja: | 960 x 480 Pixel |
Informācijas ierakstīšana: | video un attēlu uztveršana uz SD karti (SD karte 4GB komplektā) |
Uzstādījumus: | laiks, datums, zvana signāli, tilpums |
Monitora uzstādīšanas veids: | pārnēsājamas monitors ar statīvu |
Monitora krāsa: | melna/pelēka |
Monitora izmēri, mm: | 84x126x20 (platums-augstums-dziļums) |
1. Our Products adopt high technology workmanship, advanced camera with protective circle and laser color printing without fade scratch. Moreover, all the products have shining appearance with advanced turner drawing. 2. Outdoor camera adopts new defense waterproof technology and the highest technical level reached ip55 grade, which could protect the outdoor camera works properly whenever it is in harsh environment. 3. Indoor unit adopts simple and elegant design with good appearance which meets people’s modern aesthetic ideas. And the indoor monitor has 3.5inch TFT display. Also we select English as the language system for operation which makes easy to operate. 4. The indoor monitor will automatically take 1 photo of the visitor and store when there someone presses the outdoor doorbell. So you could check the visitors by the indoor monitor even though you were not at home. 5. Outdoor camera is equipped with infrared body sensor system with 4M detection distance and 90 degree angle. The outdoor camera could automatically sense the visitors and transmit image to indoor unit when visitors approach the outdoor units. So the household can know the visitors in advance. 6. Outdoor camera using night vision LED lights and the detection distance is 1.5M. So the household could clearly see the visitor at night when someone presses the doorbell. 7. One outdoor camera could max support 3 indoor units. All the indoor monitors have intercom function when someone presses the doorbell. 8. Both the indoor unit and outdoor camera alarm simultaneously and also photograph for evidence when the thief steals the outdoor camera. 9. The outdoor camera is equipped with infrared body sensor system automatically. For it's detection range is 4M and the detection angle is 90 degrees.Moreover,the outdoor camera will automatically senses the thief's action and stores his photo inside the indoor unit when there's a thief near the outdoor camera. 10. Outdoor camera is armed with infrared human body automatic detection system with detection distance 4 meters and angle 90 degrees. Outdoor camera will automatically sense human body and indoor monitor will store the photo when there is anyone near to the outdoor camera.
Tālruni: 67 517 326, 67 379 805, 25 901 495, 22 153 132