Akcijas un jaunie piedāvājumi
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Domofoni un koda atslēgas - katalogs
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KODS: D-055375

NOUS (Ķīna)
Video domofona komplekts - virsapmetuma vandāļdroša ieejas panelis un 4,3-collas video monitors baltā krāsā.
aptuvenā cena: 159,00 Eur; maksimāls piegādes termiņš - 14 dienas.TEHNISKĀ SPECIFIKĀCIJA:
Preču zīme: | NOUS (Ķīna) |
Apraksts: | video domofons |
Funkcijas: | augsta kvalitāte audio un video sakari, durvju atvēršana no attāluma |
Izšķirtspēja: | 480 х 272 px |
Apgaismojums: | 4 x IR LED |
Ieejas bloka izmēri,mm: | 43 X 140 X 29 (platums-augstums-dziļums) |
Barošana: | Power Supply 13,5V |
Ieejas bloka uzstādīšanas veids: | virsapmetuma montāža |
Ieejas kamera izgatavota no: | metāls |
Kameras krāsa: | melna |
Ekrāns: | 4.3" TFT |
Monitors izgatavots no: | plastmasa |
Monitora krāsa: | baltā |
Informācijas ierakstīšana: | 20 bildes, 20MB iebūvēta atmiņā |
Video monitora izmēri,mm: | 120 X 180 X 21,5 (platums-augstums-dziļums) |
Kameras darba temperatūru diapazons: | -15°C+50°C |
Hidrauliskais durvju aizvērējs dažāda tipa durvīm ir paredzēts automātiskai durvju taisīšanai ciet aiz apmeklētājiem. Aizvērējam ir ātruma un pievilkšanas spēka regulēšana dažāda svara un izmēra durvīm.
Due to 4.3" inch LCD screen you will receive excellent color image of the situation outside of your apartment or visitor.
Also we would like to mention that the video intercom system is equipped with duplex audio connection with volume control system and due to special cover layer the gadget is protected from small scratches and fingertips.
The existing electronic lock allows to receive a high level of protection. One of the features of the system is remote control. It will allow you not to go outside all the time (especially if you live in a house) to open the door.
The video intercom system has an excellent night mode function. Due to the infrared backlight system you'll easily see the visitor. One more benefit of our video intercom system is backlight for buttons. It allows to manage the system even at night.
The internal 20 Mb memory stick allows to save 20 photos of visitors who have pressed the "call" button of the video intercom system while you were out.
The Outside Call panel has been made in an x-proof format. The Call panel is a part of the video intercom system. The call panel can be used as audio interface with the visitor and video security system simultaneously. The case of the panel is made of special material which protects the outside unit from precipitation and temperature change.
Video domofona komplekts: melns 4,3-collas monitors. Vandāļdroša metāliskā ieeja kamera.
Video domofona komplekts: melns vai balts 7-collas monitors. Vandāļdroša metāliskā ieeja kamera.
Video domofona komplekts: balts 7-collas monitors. Vandāļdroša metāliskā ieeja kamera.
Tālruni: 67 517 326, 67 379 805, 25 901 495, 22 153 132